platoon why did barnes kill elias

He was also awarded France's and England's version of the Medal of Honor. Another important point relating to the range is the fact that the U.S. military is continually losing soldiers to the Viet Cong, and unable to successfully counteract the Viet Congs strategies. Why did Taylor drop a grenade after the battle was over? But when he don't, the machine breaks down. You got no proof man. coming up on Chris, who is soaked now from head to foot in sweat, dizzy, feeling sick, about to vomit. Elias decision to report Barnes criminal conduct at the village precipitates a rift between the members in the platoon (some siding with Barnes and others siding with Elias), and ultimately causes Barnes to kill Elias. Car-15. The papers in the box were documents that Sanderson thought were important enough to deliver to Army Intelligence so he decided to take the whole box. Francis - portrayed by Living Colour frontman Corey Glover - emerges from a foxhole and correctly determines that help is indeed on the way. Car-15. He aint gonna bite you. Sgt. If the U.S. military would have proven to be a more effective adversary in the jungle style warfare waged against the Viet Cong, the U.S. would have probably won the war; If Lt. Wolfe had been a proven combat soldier, many situations the platoon faced wouldnt have resulted with such ill consequences; If Sgt. Barnes declares that he will go back to find Elias. Elias Gordon was born in 1936, and he joined the US Army during the Vietnam War, serving as a Sergeant in Bravo Company, US 25th Infantry Division. The value of human life and what it is worth is the thematic conflict waged between Chris and Sgt. As he puts it, "Didn't make much sense, I wasn't learning anything. Dale Dye. As soon as they disembark from their plane, they are greeted by piles of body bags and the mocking pity of bypassing veteran soldiers happy to be on the next departing flight. By the end of the film, Chris moral integrity has deteriorated to the point where he is able to kill Sgt. The morning after the ferocious confrontation brings light to the fact that Chris is one of only a few members in the platoon to survive. The fact of Barnes authority inhibits the relationship between himself and Chris. . Truman willingly agreed to aid Frances ambitions in exchange for Frances support. Sgt. Sanderson either ignored this rule or felt that because he'd been able to open the box that it wasn't booby-trapped (as often the explosives are set to detonate when opening the box). why did barnes kill elias. The platoon investigates a small village suspected of Viet Cong activity. Elias, who has learned from experience, knows what to do when his platoon is about to be set up in an ambush. Sgt. Specialist 4th class.SGT. Lt. Fresh off the plane, new U.S. recruits are greeted by body bags slung onto another plane going home; the platoon takes out its frustrations on a defenseless village; a civil war breaks out between members within the platoon. Thus, the other sergeants, and even Lt. Wolfe, look to Sgt. Barnes has planned, the men in the platoon are going to have to perform and act like experienced, well trained soldiers. Yall know about killing? 2nd Lieutenant (Platoon Leader).SSG. After Sgt. BARNES: Elias is like them politicians in Washington. Remember what it looks like. BARNES: Yall experts? Barnes, the cold-blooded platoon sergeant. Barnes views Chris the same way he views Elias, an agent out to challenge his way of war, a crusader causing dissension among the men, undermining Barnes efforts, and placing the platoon in jeopardy. Despite all the signs that they are losing the war, the platoon, as well as the American military, are operating under the delusion they are in some way actually gaining control of the war and have a chance to win. Ironically, it is the impact of Sgt. Barnes, who he sees as a worthless human being. Barnes as the leading commander in the platoon instead of the inexperienced Lt. Wolfe; he doesnt do anything when Barnes and others in the platoon commit war crimes against the Vietnamese villagers; he also doesnt realize that the platoon is about to be caught in a crossfire trap by the Viet Cong. This can be seen early in the film after the platoon engages the enemy on an all night ambush where a new recruit, Gardner, ends up getting killed. He will not tolerate anyone he feels is trying to undermine his leadership in the platoon. However, what makes thefinal narration especially impactfulis that Taylorsuggests he'll figuratively remain on the battlefield for the rest of his days, and imagines Eliasdoing the same while battling Barnes for the possession ofhis [Taylor's] soul. Vietnam War Movies That Best Show the Realities of the Conflict. Dramatica is a registered trademark of Screenplay Systems Incorporated. Barnes shoots a woman in the head in front of her husband, and then threatens to shoot the mans young daughter if he doesnt give Barnes information about the Viet Cong. Dye stands with actors Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe, and Mark Moses on the set of Platoon,deep in the jungle in the Philippines (Image from Orion Pictures). (Stone p. 21) The war forced Chris to experience and do things that hes not proud of at all, like his platoons involvement in the My-Lai-esque pillage and destruction of a Vietnamese village, and the climatic murder of Sgt. Chris enlightenment about the horrible, desensitizing, dehumanizing nature of war weighs heavily against the wisdom he has about the society that compelled him to volunteer for military service. Barnes. Hes willing to kill civilians, and even his own men, to support his immoral beliefs. Edit, Likely because it is meant to represent a helmet from a fallen soldier on the battlefield. Barnes orders the rest of the platoon to retreat and goes back into the jungle to find Elias's group. ELIAS: First Platoons gonna be coming up here to reinforce us a couple of dinks get in here behind us, theyll get us in a crossfire with the First, well shoot each other to shit. Thematically, the final war sequence is designed to parallel the Elias shooting scene. The U.S. forces are so overwhelmed, they order an air strike on their own compound. Edit, Night AmbushPvt Tex (WIA): Has hand blown off by Sgt. Platoon's demolition expert. Chris focuses on his intuition that enlisting in the Vietnam War will provide him with what he needs to feel he is a real man. To make matters worse, the inexperienced, incompetent Lt. Wolfe accidentally orders an air strike on the platoons location resulting in more casualties in the platoon. You dont sleep on no fucking ambush! CRAWFORD: Sounds like it. Just keep your pecker up and your powder dry, things change. Barnes RTO.Doc (KIA): Also shot while defending CP bunker, he is still rolling around after being shot but would appear to have died from his wounds as he is not seen at the end with the other survivors (this is also the case in the script). Just keep your pecker up and your powder dry, things change. (Stone, p. 92) The depth to which the Viet Cong understands how and where the U.S. Barnes approaches what he sees as the problem of inadequacies, by taking the direction of letting everyone know what is acceptable. Worth accelerates the conflict between Chris Taylor and Sgt. CHRIS: Proofs in his eyes. The way events are progressing, the outlook does not look good for the platoon. Platoon Barnes was in co-command of 2nd Platoon along with Sgt. Both the main character and the obstacle character see each other as the cause of the problems they are experiencing in their relationship. Elias would have been able to prove that Sgt. One needs to learn from the past to do well in war. Barnes' decision to kill Elias and later, his decision to try and kill Chris, provokes Chris to kill him. Why did Barnes kill Elias? Six of you boys against me. Elias ( Willem Dafoe ), another good fighter, but a man who tries to escape from the reality through drugs. Chris and other new recruits are made immediately aware that their future is going to be bleak, harsh, and very possibly deadly in Vietnam. At 20:13 In The Dead Of Night Deep In The Jungle How Is The Enemy Silhouetted? Platoon opens up with a shot of body bags organized in preparation to make their final journey home to America. If they were permanently damaged in some way; such as losing a limb, severe nerve damage, etc. Chris contributes to the carnage by firing his rifle at the feet of a defenseless villager. Chris loses credibility with the other men because hes treating the incident as a fact when it really isnt certain. In this particular Platoon sequence, Taylor is framed as the true leader or at least someone who is no longer concerned about playing by the rules. Taylor doesn't kill Barnes solely for retribution or because the staffsergeant appears to be evil, but rather because of something more fundamentally tied to his character arc. Barnes seems to think he owns an exclusive insight to death. The acclaimed actor was given a walkie-talkie and was instructed by Stone to run from point A to point B while avoiding all the explosions. (Stone, p. 3) Hope things are well Grandma, tell Mom and Dad, I well just tell them, Chris. I shit you not! Would soldiers actually wound themselves to get sent home? The new recruit, Gardner gets killed, Tex loses an arm, Chris is grazed by a bullet in the neck on the all night ambush that goes awry. Chris eventually transcends the wisdom that brought him to Vietnam and he becomes enlightened by his experiences in the war. For Chris, to serve his country in Vietnam fulfills the moral obligation he feels towards his America, and an opportunity to develop a strong sense of pride and character. User Reviews This frustration is derived from past events the platoon has recently suffered, such as the loss of two men in the all night ambush, the loss of two additional men in a booby trapped Viet Cong bunker, and the abduction of another platoon member who is found strapped to a tree, dead and mutilated. What's with the booby trap that kills Sal and Sanderson? Barnes finds Elias and shoots him three times, returning to tell the others that Elias was killed by the enemy. Elias. Sgt. Wasnt learning anything (hesitate) And why should just the poor kids go to the war - and the college kids get away with it. There are so many war movies out there to choose from, yet not many come from the perspectiveof a man who personally lived through the hell that was the Vietnam War. Barnes possesses the unique ability to pressure Chris and others in the platoon to think a certain way. ELIAS: Hey ONeill why dont you cool it, you dont have to be a prick everyday of your life you know. RHAH: I remember you first came in here Taylor. Hawaiian kid, seen lighting building in village scene. None of this sits well with Sgt. While the platoon is extracting via helicopter, they glimpse Elias, mortally wounded, emerging . Why did Sgt Barnes shoots Elias? Edit, near the beginning of the movie, as the squad goes out for the night ambush and in the end of the movie? Get that other cherry up here, Gardner! Barnes as a role model and leader makes a significant impact on the men in the platoon, including Chris. More:Every Song in Da 5 Bloods Soundtrack. How often do soldiers get sent home as opposed to a medical care center to return after they have healed? I'm sure most of us has seen the Oliver Stone Vietnam flick Platoon, so my question is. Q.V. Meaning, the U.S. governmentwon't ask themto further serve in the military out of respect for their sacrifices. He grabs Chris machete out of his hand and bulls his way into the foliage, tearing it apart, setting a new pace. The war exposes Chris to the worst human nature has to offer, and he is ultimately forced to compromise his own humanity and moral convictions by committing a vengeful murder of a fellow soldier and superior. Another instance of non-accurate is when the platoon becomes engaged by the enemy and the Lieutenant inadvertently attacks his own platoon with air support by giving inaccurate location information. Sgt Barnes, Elias' sadistic staff sergeant, was in direct contrast to Platoon's main character. The most famous is the My Lai massacre, believed to have been perpetrated by Lt. William Calley. Barnes challenges Chris to, Do it!to shoot him while Chris has a rifle trained on him and his finger on the trigger. Maybe I can see something I dont yet see, or learn something I dont yet know (Stone, p.14) Platoon is one among a great many Hollywood movies set in Vietnam which were instead shot in the jungles of the Philippines. BARNES: Elias, get your men ready The consequence of not making progress in the war is the men will have to keep fighting, subjected to the inhumane preconscious responses they have developed in order to stay alive. After Taylor fires off three shots, hepauses and looks at his surroundings, with the grey of the smoking gun contrasting with the lush green jungle. (Stone, p. 95) Momentarily losing control of his senses, Chris fires his gun at the feet of a retarded village man. The events of his past have dehumanized this man into a remorseless, immoral killing machine. It's about how war is an immoral and evil thing and you must become evil and immoral to survive it.Also anyone who thinks that the movie is "un-American" should also note that the film depicts the NVA as just as ruthless and savage. Barnes that Chris and Gardner were not ready for the all night ambush patrol. When you know you know. Metacritic Reviews. If they had they would have run Barnes was at the eye of our rage - and through him, our Captain Ahab - we would set things right again. The inhumane, merciless treatment Barnes carries out shocks Chris and rekindles his conscience and sense of morals. After experiencing the heavy toll of war, Taylor has been transformed into someone other than his true self. The main action in Platoon takes place in 1968. Edit, Platoon is based on a screenplay by director Oliver Stone. Barnes deems Chris untried battle skills as dangerous, causing conflict between the two. Barnes committed war crimes, Sgt. RHAH: (puffing on his bowl) How do you know the dinks didnt get him. Barnes aint meant to die. Barnes would have brought Chris down to his level of evil and would have officially corrupted his soul which means he still would have won.3) Barnes wasn't evil. As an example, he is able to home in on who it is that is called to war, and who is excused: RHAH: (puffing on his bowl) How do you know the dinks didnt get him. For example,look at how Taylor reacts when Berenger says "Go on, boy" - it's like he'sreceived all the confirmation he needs toget payback for Elias. Related:Da 5 Bloods: Every Real-Life Person & Event Referenced In Netflix's Movie. The success of Mao Tse-tungs communist revolution in China strengthened Americas support of the French in Vietnam. User Ratings During the run, however, some went off, while others failed, although viewers were unaware of this. Barnes orders the rest of the platoon to retreat and goes back into the jungle to find Elias's group. Wolfe (KIA): Killed while defending CP bunker, in this very dark scene you see him shot or hit by shrapnel in the face, he staggers around covering his face and then is shot multiple times. Back at the base, Taylor suggests that Barnes should be fragged, or killed by his own men, for his despicable actions on the battlefield. Forums. Idealistic, patriotic, eager for adventure, Chris Taylor is the kind of earnest middle-class rebel who scandalizes his parents by believing in flag and country in a literal way. First Cavalry (Stone, p. 72) I have no energy to write. The others in the platoon view the experienced Sgt. And so everything looks and feels relatively normal given the circumstances. ONEILL: Fuck you Elias. (concluding) Chris believes Barnes to be dangerous to his own men, and is frustrated at his inability to prove Barnes immorality. Its all a blur. Chris and Sgt. Not one(Stone, p. 88). Whenever he gets involved with what he feels is the reason for a situation being a certain way (the cause), it really gets under his skin. Johnny Depp Learned An Entire Language For His Role In Platoon. Barnes instinctively warns him of the pressing danger. Chris beliefs are derived from the tense, volatile relationship between Elias and Barnes, and the horrible scene where Elias runs from the jungle only to get killed by the enemy soldiers pursuing him. Essential Equipment for Your Landscaping Business. One of the dead under ponchos at battle's end, seen carried to chopper at end. Concluding the debate, no further argument, Barnes rises. Warren when Lerner is being worked on by the Doc. There is no hesitation or contemplation when Barnes enters the village and begins interrogating and killing civilians; we dont see him ponder much about killing Elias or attacking Chris. (to Warren) We leave here in 2-zero minutes. CHRIS: And you, do you believe? | Who was Murphy? That screenplay was actually based on Stone's earlier screenplay, Break, a semi-autobiographical account of his experiences and people he knew in Vietnam. Sgt. When two more platoon members are killed by a booby trap in an abandoned enemy bunker, Chris notices Sgt. Edit, No, it's anti-war. O'Neil, Lt. Wolfe, Bunny, and Junior to name a few. He relies on his knowledge of war to react and perform quickly. | Through voiceover narration, Taylor explains his experiences through letters home to his grandmother and eventually proves himself to be the most morally righteous of the main characters. As a result, the platoon becomes cloaked in civil war. Chris presumes Barnes killed Elias as if it were a fact. An example is the scene where Lieutenant Wolfe calls in the wrong coordinates and mistakenly attacks his own platoon with air support. Elias tells Chris he thinks the U.S. is going to lose the war: Edit, As stated in the trivia, Charlie Sheen improvised this, as he felt Chris would be suicidal by the end of the movie, having murdered Barnes in cold blood and seen the horrors of what the men fighting on the same side as him would do to each other and innocent people during the conflict. Barnes. The problem is Barnes's fist quite obviously clears the front of Elias's face by at least 5-6 inches. RHAH: Wrong? Aint no time or need for a courtroom out here(Stone, p. 60) Besides that, he had no further communication with cast or crew during the scene. Elias based on the notion that he can see the proof in Sgt. Shortly thereafter, Sandersen and Sal are killed by a booby trap in an abandoned Viet Cong compound, and Manny is abducted, killed, and mutilated by the enemy, and left strung up on a tree trunk for the platoon to find. As Dafoe told Yahoo! Tensions increasewhen the unit enters a village and Barnes publicly executes the wife of a community leader. Barnes feels war and death are his exclusive expertise because of his first hand experiences: Elias, and the other half with Sgt. The last we see of him he is alive and in critical condition being placed aboard a Huey. Platoon was inspired by Stone's real-life experiences at theNew Year's Day Battle of 1968, and the director himself makes a cameo during his cinematic recreation. Death What do yall know bout death? is what Barnes asks Chris and the others of the head when he confronts them about Elias. No longer a liability, Chris has become a valuable asset to the platoon. Todd Neikirk is a New Jersey-based politics, entertainment and history writer. Elias admits he is a burn out and has some faults, but at least he is competent and doesn't frag his own. Elias condemns Barnes' actions and a fight breaks out between the two. Elias ' decision to report Barnes ' criminal conduct at the village precipitates a rift between the members in the platoon (some siding with Barnes and others siding with Elias ), and ultimately causes Barnes to kill Elias. The conflict ends with Barnes ready to kill Taylor, an inexperienced soldier who seemingly doesn't pose a major threat to his standing within the U.S. Army. How many days you short? Sgt. KING: Way out of anything, man. You are one simple son-of-a-bitch! All the characters are concerned with how the war is progressing, and what type of impact the U.S. military is having in Vietnam. The fact that the men in the platoon, as well as the enemys lives, are not given much value, slows the progress of the objective story. The events quickly become moments in the past that produce extreme tension and frustration within the platoon. Barnes challenge to kill him to avenge Elias murder, Barnes feels the men are weak and dont have the heart to stand up for their beliefs. Even though this isnt true, Barnes blames Chris inability to resist his impulse to sleep as the cause of the platoons two casualties: Morehouse and Sal are short, Fu Shengs going on an RnR, you dont want to send their asses out on an ambush. They are both promoted, Rhah is given Elias' position, and O'Neill is given Barnes' position much to his chagrin. BARNES: Elias - you take your squad and Ill take Tex and Francis from your squad. I shit you not! Chris is driven to prove himself as a valuable member of the military, and therefore of society: So he stabbed himself in order to be taken off duty long enough to be sent home. Experiencing the duties and responsibilities necessary for survival in Vietnam leads Chris to a more realistic and accurate understanding of his situation and how war really works. O'Neill argues back, and Elias tells him to take a break and not be a prick every day. ): Day by day, I struggle to maintain not only my strength, but my sanity. During the final battle, he is killing countless VC bare-handed. Elias takes Chrisand two other men to intercept flanking enemy troops. He is a brutal and extremely violent Sergeant in the US Army, known for his horrifically disfigured face that he gained after surviving seven shooting injuries. Platoon, principal subdivision of a military company . Barnes killed Sgt. CHRIS: Yeah, I dropped out of college and told em I wanted infantry, combat, and Nam Complete Playlist: Platoon (1986)Music Video: Simply Great MusicArtist: Geo. Who leads a platoon in the Army? Hes seen a lot of action in his day and has already served several tours in Vietnam. Chris and his platoon release their tension and frustrations from the war on a small Vietnamese village. Elias (KIA): Wounded by Barnes who leaves him for dead, then shot by multiple NVA. Chris is the only one to make a feeble attempt to attack and kill Barnes. Barnes attempts to kill him, he finds Barnes crawling on the jungle floor. After Elias death, Barnes confronts Chris and the others in the heads hutch about Elias, and Barnes is able to provoke Chris to attack him. His goodness, while encouraging followers, was not rewarded in this life, even though retribution for his death was . But rather than checking on the injured, Francis deliberately plunges a knife into his leg. The platoon becomes very upset with this recent discovery, but none seem to be as mentally and emotionally afflicted as Sgt. Sgt. When Barnes condemns the men by saying, I shit on all of you! he is basically telling Chris and the others they are worthless. Immediately upon arriving in country, Chris realizes the stark reality of war in Vietnam is quite contrary to his beliefs. He takes the bowl from Adams, smokes it. There is a scene in the head hutch where Rhah points out to Chris how much Chris respected Barnes when he first arrived: And so Taylor kills him; putting an end to his torment. (Stone, p. 87) During Platoons climax, Willem Dafoes Sgt Elias is chased and fired upon by North Vietnamese Army (NVA) troops. This brief moment of reflection is effectively Oliver Stone talking through his narrator, expressing his own experiences and what he's taken from them: a drive to make the world better. By the final act, director Oliver Stone provides a piercingcommentary about the lasting effects of war and the consequences ofspontaneous decisions. The young Lieutenant Wolfe, who has not proven himself in war yet, illustrates unproven as the problem in several situations. Chris experiences in the war do not lead him to find something to be proud of, instead, he has become a cold-blooded murderer, and kills his nemesis, Sgt. The carnage the platoon thrusts upon the village is an expression of the frustration that has built up among the soldiers. Barnes warns the platoon that if they do not operate at acceptable levels, theyll end up killed by the enemy or they will put everybody else in the platoon in jeopardy. Another example of fact impeding the subjective storys progress is when Barnes has Chris at knife point, Rhah tells Barnes that he will spend ten hard years in prison if he kills Chris, which causes Barnes to release him. Sgt. While there, the cast also trained to be soldiers with Marine veteran and friend of WATM,Capt. For him, an authentic life means stepping down in class; he embraces the same experience as the working-class blacks and white ethnics who got draftedcommon clay, most of them, forgotten men, losers. (Denby 86). News, For me, it was a purely physical thing. Say gain. It was totally practical and then once we had that image and once that sequence was very strong, I think it became a nice emblematic and iconic image for the film.. This is definitely a war America is not winning. When the platoon takes some gruesome losses, an enraged Barnes kills some Vietnamese and orders the burning of their village, outraging the temporarily absent Elias. Barnes murdered Sgt. Barnes decides to send Sgt. There are many times when Barnes views Taylor as a hindrance and liability to the platoon, and he ultimately tries to kill him. As he was running and some of the squibs failed, he threw the detonator to the side, an action that can be spotted by more eagle-eyed moviegoers. Barnes makes a profound impact on Chris. Elias from reporting war crime charges against him, Sgt. Chris shoots him three times at close range to finish him off after he survives the airstrike. Tension is derived from the sense that everything the platoon attempts to do appears ineffective against the elusive and ever encroaching enemy. Elias' decision to report Barnes' criminal conduct at the village precipitates a rift between the members in the platoon (some siding with Barnes and others siding with Elias), and ultimately causes Barnes to kill Elias. Ready for the all Night ambush patrol also awarded France 's and England 's version the. Shit on all of you, entertainment and history writer as dangerous, causing conflict between Chris Taylor and.., the men in the war is progressing platoon why did barnes kill elias the cast also trained to be as and. Neikirk is a registered trademark of Screenplay Systems Incorporated fallen soldier on men. Unique ability to pressure Chris and others in the platoon becomes very upset this. Promoted, rhah is given Elias ' position, and the others they are worthless, even though for! 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platoon why did barnes kill elias

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