what does galatians 5:15 mean

To depart from this was fatal. That is not what Christian liberty is about. Even though it might be a minor departure from the truth, be careful. "Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; though it be but a man's covenant, yet, if it be confirmed, no man annulleth or addeth thereto." Another reason inducing to love is taken from the pernicious God reserves to Himself this great blessedness in the gospel; whereas under the law there was nothing of the kind. And so, Rev 21:8 if you want the reference on that. In his case the breach with man was evident; the association with heaven, and not Jerusalem, was too plain to be disputed or evaded. The law is of a wholly different nature, and hence was ordained of angels in the hand of a mediator. Galatians 5:17 I can say, "Well, this, these are the rules of righteous living. That is, my mind is constantly upon fleshly things. All this vanishes in Christ; we are all one in Him; and if you are Christ's, what need to be circumcised! . But God took care that the call of Paul should be delayed till the whole order of the Jewish apostleship should be complete. If therefore we would have it appear that we are Christ's, and that we are partakers of his Spirit, it must be by our walking not after the flesh, but after the spirit. Therefore, that righteousness is perfect. You see, you don't need any laws. He is brought into another condition. Those that walk according to this rule would be saints in general. Heretical division; this might be described as crystallized dissension. For Peter is not said to have withdrawn from the Lord's table where the uncircumcised met, but from the simple matter of eating with the Gentiles. Two things especially he presses upon them:--. These are sins which will undoubtedly shut men out of heaven. The language would not have been applicable when the other apostles were called. occasioned great contentions, and threatened them with divisions, At any rate, the Galatians, naturally fickle, were quick to take up prejudices. Self-seeking; this word has a very illuminating history. He was an enemy stopped in sovereign grace. church state should be destroyed and come to nothing, since love Again, it is not a liberty to do anything I please. Shall we turn now to Galatians chapter five. But this is a future prophetic vision not touched on here. For God would not fellowship with man dominated by his flesh. THE INTRODUCTION ( Galatians 1:1-10) 1. I cannot soil a life which God paid for with his own life. Therefore the apostle adds, ,And as many as walk according to this rule [that is, the rule of the new creation], peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God." That's my old prideful nature. That is to say, Ishmael was born of the ordinary human impulses of the flesh; Isaac was born because of God's promise; and Sarah was a free woman, while Hagar was a slave girl. We are free, but our freedom loves its neighbour as itself. "For I am as ye are." This was the serious move of the enemy. The fate of any group permitting such a development issues inevitably in that of "The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat": The apostle said as much in this very passage. Kindness and goodness are closely connected words. how lamentable the extraordinary number of those, of whom the one cuts off the life of the other. The sense is, if you contend with each other; and the reference is, apparently, to the strifes which would arise between the two parties in the churches - the Jewish and the Gentile converts. And become again a spiritual being.And so, when Nicodemus came to Jesus, Jesus faced him immediately with this issue. The superior Trinity is made up of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 THE END (GOAL) IS GROWING FAITH IS LOVE 2 Peter 1:5-7 PAUL'S GREAT DESCRIPTION OF LOVE 1 Corinthians 13:4-6 BOTH GOD & LOVE INCLUDE Joy Peace Forbearance Kindness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-control Faith Goodness Knowledge Self-control Perseverance Godliness Mutual affection Patient Kind Truth Protection Trust Hope Perseverance Fifteen days. with the affections and lusts [with its desires]. (vss. The liberty we enjoy as Christians is not a licentious liberty: though Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, yet he has not freed us from the obligation of it; the gospel is a doctrine according to godliness (1 Timothy 6:3), and is so far from giving the least countenance to sin that it lays us under the strongest obligations to avoid and subdue it. In the latter part of this chapter the apostle comes to exhort these Christians to serious practical godliness, as the best antidote against the snares of the false teachers. The gospel had given him to sanction in his ways and words the overthrow of the partition wall. He feels what he ought to do, but he does it not, and thus is increasingly wretched. He habitually measured things not so much by their bearing on Jews or Gentiles as by their effect on Christ's glory. Fornication; it has been said, and said truly, that the one completely new virtue Christianity brought into the world was chastity. And so, I would listen to these fellows, and I listened, you know, and just said, "Well, you know, that's what the scripture says, you know," when they would quote scriptures. Now take care that you do not use your wonderful . When God gives a pledge not of possessing the gate of enemies, when He speaks of the blessing of the nations, instead of the overthrow of Israel's foes, then he speaks simply of "thy seed." It's the operation of God's Spirit within our heart that works through love. This is best seen by turning to Genesis 22:1-24, where both facts are found in the same context. "Desirous of vainglory,". As God has wrought for us on the cross, and delivered us from every atom of sin in Christ, so He will not allow us to mix one earthly or legal element with the revelation of His grace, which He has made ours in redemption, and proclaimed to us by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. That's the position where we stand. "A little leaven," said Paul, "leavens the whole lump." The law, accordingly, never was the truth, either on God's side, or man's. "If righteousness come by the law," (he does not merely say, "come of the law," but come by it,) "then Christ is dead [died] in vain." And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh ( Galatians 5:24 ). Under which type did they fall Ishmael or Isaac? But as in the end the child of the slave girl was cast out and had no share in the inheritance, so in the end those who are legalists will be cast out from God and have no share in the inheritance of grace. The most difficult thing in Christendom is for people to know what it is to be Christians, and to take this place by the faith of Christ themselves. His theology always ran one danger. But if not called to have his place among the twelve, it was the Lord's sovereign dealing to give him a better one. But as for the apostle Paul, he says he was called, and this by his master from heaven; but by his own showing nobody heard the call of Christ but himself. "Yet not I, but Christ liveth in me." This is exceedingly important, and the more as I believe the scope of the allusion to Abraham and to his seed is not often appreciated. They had so completely lost sight of the grace of Christ, the sweetness and the bloom of it, that he travailed again for them: his soul once more passed through that which had exercised him when they were converted. You do not need it, because the Holy Ghost thus working strengthens you unto love. The apostle's discerning eye at once judged by Christ and by that gospel which he had learned from Him. No wonder that the apostle attached the greatest moment to the facts of his conversion and call, and that, instead of hiding his lack of familiarity both with the apostles and with the churches in Judea, he glories in it. Not so. As it is reasoned out in Romans 7:1-25, the law came, and he died. And facts tell on their mind. And I can choose whether or not to walk in the flesh, or then again, to commit it and walk after the Spirit. Their ears were heavy, and their eyes blinded by their legalism. We can understand a foolish man making a covenant, and the next day repenting of it, which is never true of the divine purposes. beware lest you be consumed -- Destroyed. What were they doing? He went up by revelation for the purpose of getting a condemnation in Jerusalem itself of those who would force Jewish principles on the church of God at large. It will appear that we are the disciples of Christ indeed when we have love one to another (John 13:35); and, where this temper is kept up, if it do not wholly extinguish those unhappy discords that are among Christians, yet at least it will so far accommodate them that the fatal consequences of them will be prevented. GALATIANS 5:2-12. You can't be both. So there's only one real fruit of the Spirit, that is love. It was an offence in the eyes of the Jewish Christians, and perhaps specially of the Christians that Judaize, that the apostle had been so little at Jerusalem that his intercourse was so scanty with the twelve. It was through no such channel that he had his apostleship. At the same time it is shown to be, not what it might seem, a negative power only, but along with it is the new creation into which grace forms us. So the minute I start peddling books and saying, "Now, to really understand the Bible, you better read my books, because you'll just, you know, read the Bible, you'll be in darkness. That is not the liberty that we have as Christians. It was not to keep people under the law, still less could it be to put any under the law, but to bring them clean out if they had been under it before. Along with the cross goes a new creation. The whole idea of the word is a goodness which is kind. I'd rather trust and be burned than not to trust. But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. He had felt their wrong, but at the same time had been lifted marvellously above what might be called personal feeling, and so much the more, therefore, could have the grief of love unmingled with that which really impairs its strength, and leaves its sensibilities incomparably less acute. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. It can mean the beneficent use of drugs by a doctor; but it can also mean poisoning, and it came to be very specially connected with the use of drugs for sorcery, of which the ancient world was full. Selfishness in the end does not exalt a man; it destroys him. 14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is no recounting what God had done for them. dissolution; for as no civil community, either public or private, 5:16-21 I tell you, let your walk and conversation be dominated by the Spirit, and don't let the desires of the lower side of your nature have their way. What throws most light on its meaning is that the adjective praus ( G4239) is used of an animal that has been tamed and brought under control; and so the word speaks of that self-control which Christ alone can give. "Here we have the Gentiles expressly named, and to this the apostle refers. The consequence is, "If ye are led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law;" and more than this, if we are producing the fruits of the Spirit, he can easily say, "Against such there is no law." Well, then, it stands written in it that Abraham had two sons; one was the son of the slave girl and one was the son of the free woman. But at the same time it is plain that the apostle Paul here starts with the instructive fact, that the very thing for which some Judaizers then blamed him was the distinctive glory of that to which the Lord had called him. The apostleship of Paul, therefore, was entirely independent of Jerusalem and the twelve. Grace brings out the faithful promise of God, and His goodness to him that deserves nothing. The Galatians were succumbing to false teaching (7-12) III. It also described the bands of the devotees of Bacchus, god of wine. Paul was preaching that Jesus paid the complete price for your redemption on the cross. You'll be disappointed. With the utmost simplicity he shows that his own separation from man was a part of God's ways for the purpose of making more strikingly felt the great truth that he was afterwards to proclaim. Had Peter been right, it was evident that the gospel had put Peter in the wrong. The enemy had ensnared them by crying up circumcision, in order to betray them into a link with Judaism; but they had no thought of bearing the real burden of the law. Can you give me, you know, a hundred dollars for this watch?" But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. It is liberty and not law that the Christian stands in. Thus a decisive blow is struck at the principle of connection with the law; and it was evident that they did not truly "hear the law." For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law ( Galatians 5:3 ). The cross has sentenced the world; and this very sentence of the world is our deliverance from the world. But, further, he refers in a very affecting manner to some personal circumstances how in his own body he was a witness of having nothing to do with flesh; for what God had been pleased to put upon him as serving Him in the gospel was not great power of nature, but that which made him contemptible in his preaching. "For if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself. Now, man was created and by God as a living spirit. There is such a thing as, by patient continuance in well doing, to seek for eternal life. Immediately, then, as. He had been brought to a place of blessing outside himself and by another, the Saviour, which in itself gives the soul motives indeed but not power; whereas, for the soul who is brought to God by the gospel, and planted in the liberty wherein Christ makes free before God, it is no more a question of flesh, but of the Holy Ghost who is given to him. Therefore, when a man is baptized, he is not, of course, baptized into his own death; there is no sense in such a thought. Impurity, then, is that which makes a man unfit to come before God, the soiling of life with the things which separate us from him. 5:13-15 As for you, brothers, it was for freedom that you were called, only you must not use this freedom as a bridgehead through which the worst side of human nature can invade you, but in love you must serve one another; for the whole law stands complete in one word, in the sentence, "You must love your neighbour as yourself." Thence he advances to another point of his argument. Thus, the idea is, in their contentions they would destroy the spirituality and happiness of each other; their characters would be ruined; and the church be overthrown. You cannot weaken his apostleship without endangering the very gospel that you have received yourselves. And I encourage you to just read your Bible.Now, why is it that Jehovah Witness can't tell you that? And what was the result of all this? But this was only provisional and parenthetic. 7) Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) Trust in the Lord with all your heart. When He gave the promise to Abraham, He said, "I will give." (3) c. Faith expressed in love is more significant than circumcision. I need money to get home. I don't believe that." Then the apostle at once explains, as annexed to this, the real state of the case. And he gives to us here a listing, incomplete to be sure, because he ends it by saying, "And do such things." Thus, if we walk in the Spirit, we shall not fulfil the desires of the flesh. of Peace; in contemporary colloquial Greek this word (eirene, G1515) had two interesting usages. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. Of these and such like, says he, I tell you before, as I have also told you in times past, that those who do such things, how much soever they may flatter themselves with vain hopes, shall not inherit the kingdom of God. That they should not strive with one another, but love one another. He specifies the fruits of the Spirit, or the renewed nature, which as Christians we are concerned to bring forth, Galatians 5:22; Galatians 5:23. What is good fruit in the Bible? It isn't a liberty to live after my flesh. He gives us a catalogue of evil things. And I can set up these rules, and I can get out my little gold stars. It is for the purpose of bringing in transgression, answers the apostle. That is, he links on the heavenly character of Jerusalem for us before touching on the desolate place of Jerusalem after the flesh, or of the predicted change of heart and blessing in grace, when she will be glad to appropriate, as it were, the Christians born now after the Spirit. You were running well. He tells them (Galatians 5:13; Galatians 5:13) that they had been called unto liberty, and he would have them to stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ had made them free; but yet he would have them be very careful that they did not use this liberty as an occasion to the flesh--that they did not thence take occasion to indulge themselves in any corrupt affections and practices, and particularly such as might create distance and disaffection, and be the ground of quarrels and contentions among them: but, on the contrary, he would have them by love to serve one another, to maintain that mutual love and affection which, notwithstanding any minor differences there might be among them, would dispose them to all those offices of respect and kindness to each other which the Christian religion obliged them to. For the Jew leaven nearly always stood for evil influence. Strife; originally this word had mainly to do with the rivalry for prizes. The whole legal institution depended on a people lineally descended from Abraham, as their priests on a similar succession from Aaron. It comes from a root which means to choose, and it was used for a philosopher's school of followers or for any band of people who shared a common belief. When they first knew him, there was no difficulty felt on this score; they heard him as an angel of God. All of the bases are covered. Being, of course, dying men, whether it be the general privileges of Israel, or the special place of the priest, all was transmitted from father to son. The writer ( Galatians 1:1-2a ) i. Paul, the Apostle ( Galatians 1: 1 ) ii. Why not adopt what was wanting in Christianity? And you keep dealing with me until I'll finally say, "Oh, God, I'm sorry. then is the offense of the cross ceased ( Galatians 5:10-11 ). Far otherwise is God's way with souls. He tells us that fourteen years after he again went up to Jerusalem. Eternal life is spoken of in this double way in scripture (Romans 6:22-23); and I also press this as a truth of no small importance and but too much forgotten. (i) Peshat, its simple or literal meaning. The apostle Paul himself, inRomans 14:1-23; Romans 14:1-23, insists upon the forbearance of a Gentile even towards the Jew that might be still encumbered by his days, meats, and so on. And this comes up every day in many situations, and I have actually the choice in this situation. It is the characteristic of the man who is reliable. No one's ever seen this before but oh, bless God, He's revealed it to us in these days. Christian freedom is not licence, for the simple but tremendous reason that the Christian is not a man who has become free to sin, but a man, who, by the grace of God, has become free not to sin. After one of his great victories Nelson attributed it to the fact that he had the happiness to command a band of brothers. Instead of going up to Jerusalem on earth, instead of endeavouring to effect a junction with the law or anything else here below, the gospel wants no such allies, but repudiates them all. Get Access To 3 Exclusive Articles (for FREE) Want articles like this one delivered straight to your email? Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 5:13-15 The gospel is a doctrine according to godliness, 1Ti 6:3, and is so far from giving the least countenance to sin, that it lays us under the strongest obligation to avoid and subdue it. Fleshly things feels what he ought to do, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ to something... After one of another if we walk in the same context from Aaron more significant circumcision. Weaken his apostleship the Galatians were succumbing to false teaching ( 7-12 ).. Endangering the very gospel that you have received yourselves in one word, even in this.... They should not strive with one another, take heed that ye be not consumed of! 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what does galatians 5:15 mean

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